A breezy sun-kissed afternoon at home, a hot cup of tea and  me with my loved ones.... Most of us don’t acknowledge or realize all these amazing little moments we have in our own daily lives. It’s easy to fall into the cycle of “having nothing to do”. We might go out to dinner or a movie, a farmer’s market here and there, but how many of us actually take the time to sit back and enjoy the comfort of sitting at our backyard and doing nothing! Instead of constantly pining for the French Riviera , I have recently started to enjoy the coziness of our own home. From warm home made meal with a good movie or a fulfilling adda with loved ones....there's nothing more gratifying in this whole wide world.. The weather in Charlotte is now enchanting...as Fall is approaching, the summer heat has soothed down and neither the chills have arrived in the atmosphere. So as Baba Ma was visiting us, on one such lazy afternoons, when we had "nothing to do", Baba said "চল তোর ছবি তুলে দিই কিছু , blog এ লাগাবি "(let me do a photo shoot for you for the blog) Well, the rest you can see them yourselves.... 

Outfit Details

Its a Bangalore Silk sea green saree with kantha patchwork. Matched it with a black and white striped crop top from H&M and pairs of Afghani Bali from Amazon.in Paired very simple lipstick-kajal  makeup with the outfit. The look was as comforting and simple as the afternoon and the mood.