Our Story

Welcome to Bong Mania Overloaded.This blog is all about Adda (chitchat) with the Bengali twins Moumita and Sanchita, currently living in United States.  The blog for us is a mean to share our musings on ethnic fashion especially saree. Our motive is to spread love for the 6 yards and build confidence in people like us, who suffers on a daily basis from body shaming and body image issues And are subjected to numerous unsolicited advice on how not to dress. But relax! we would never to give tips on which saree or color would suit you, on this blog but would be an inspiration by experimenting with our body types. 

How it all started: Form early in our childhood, we would ogle on the fashion pages of the newspapers and magazines that came to our house. They were our only windows to the so called "fashion world". Surrounded by incredible personified strong women in the family we grew up having very individualistic tastes in dressing up. Especially the love for sarees came from our Ma and pishimonies (aunts) who would collect and drape the gorgeous weaves in their own elegant ways. Although we had interest but it never occurred that we can really document our styles that could inspire our others. It all started in April 2017 when Moumita first drafted her first blog after severe coaxing from friends who always appreciated her saree style. As it got immensely appreciated we got a lot of confidence to take this up seriously. Sanchita came on board and it became a strong as ever team from there on. 

Now lets introduce ourselves to you:

Sanchita, am the elder twin, was born 3 minutes earlier to my sister. I am a teacher by profession and in the past had a successful stint as a banker too .I and my husband has been living in Houston, Texas from 2013 and recently moved to Charlotte, NC. I am more extrovert of the twins and love making life a fun ride. My hobbies are travelling, photography, cooking for friends and family and designing her home. 

Moumita: I am the younger twin. Urban Planner by education, came to US in 2011. Love to dance, travel, photography, embroidery, DIY'ing, cooking (occasionally though 😜) Have been in Utah for last 6 years and recently relocated to Maryland. I am enjoying my east coast life of lately.

We, have grown up as soul friends and love spending time with each other. Apart from looks there are lot of similarities in us, like our hobbies and liking. But both of us also have very distinct characters of our own and have led life accordingly.

Other significant team members: Our family has been an excellent support system in our bloggers' journey. They are our first audience of each post. All the photographs you see are credited to Rabindra Kumar Kundu, Kapildeb Ambal, Debasish Barik. So we thank them for being indispensable members of the team.


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